xSQL Schema Compare SDK for SQL Server version 12
SqlFunction Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by SqlFunction.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSqlFunction ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the SqlFunction class with the specified id, schema, name and database.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyDefinition Gets or sets the function definition.  
Public PropertyExecutionContext Gets or sets the execution context type. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertyExecutionPrincipal Gets or sets the execution principal. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertyFullName Gets the full name of the entity formatted as schema.name. If the entity has no schema, only the name is returned. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.Core.Entity)
Public PropertyFullNameDelimited Gets the delimited full name for the entity formatted as [schema].[name]. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.SqlEntity)
Public PropertyFullyQualifyingName Gets the fully-qualifying name for the entity. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.SqlEntity)
Public PropertyFullyQualifyingNameDelimited Gets the fully-qualifying name for the entity with delimiters. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.SqlEntity)
Public PropertyFunctionType Gets or sets the function type. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertyId Gets or sets a unique id for the entity. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.Core.Entity)
Public PropertyIsAnsiNullsOn Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the ANSI_NULL is ON.  
Public PropertyIsEncrypted Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the function definition is encrypted.  
Public PropertyIsNativelyCompiled Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the function is natively-compiled.  
Public PropertyIsQuotedIdentifierOn Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is ON.  
Public PropertyIsSchemaBound Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the function has been created with SCHEMABINDING option.  
Public PropertyName Gets or sets the name of the entity. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.Core.Entity)
Public PropertyOrderColumns Gets the collection of columns that determine the result order for a table-valued function. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertyParameters Gets the collection of function parameters. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertyParent Gets the parent entity of this entity. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.Core.Entity)
Public PropertyReturnDataType Gets or sets the return type for a scalar function. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertyReturnsNullOnNullInput Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the function should return NULL when any of the argument is NULL without executing the function body. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertySchema Gets or set the entity schema. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.Core.Entity)
Public PropertySqlCheckConstraints Gets the collection of check constraints for a table-valued function. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertySqlColumns Gets the collection of columns for a table-valued function. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertySqlDatabaseGets the SqlDatabase to which the entity belongs. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.SqlEntity)
Public PropertySqlEntityType Gets the type of the entity. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.SqlScriptableEntity)
Public PropertySqlExtendedProperties Gets the collection of extended properties for the function. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertySqlPermissions Gets the collection of permissions assigned to the function. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertySqlPrimaryKey Gets or sets the primary key for a table-valued function. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertySqlUniqueConstraints Gets the collection of unique constraints for a table-valued function. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.FunctionBase)
Public PropertySupportsChangeDataCapture Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the function is created to support the SQL Server change data capture.  
Public PropertySupportsDiagram Gets or sets the value that indicates whether the function is created to support the SQL Server diagrams.  
Public Methods
Public MethodEqualsOverloaded. Returns true if this instance of the SqlScriptableEntity class is equal to the other object, which should also be an instance of SqlScriptableEntity class. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.SqlScriptableEntity)
Public MethodGetScript Returns the T-SQL script for this entity with the specified scripting options. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.SqlServer.SqlScriptableEntity)
Public MethodToString Returns the full name of the entity. (Inherited from xSQL.Schema.Core.Entity)
See Also


SqlFunction Class
xSQL.Schema.SqlServer Namespace



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